“When I was sick, you visited me…Assuredly I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of My brethren, you did it to me. ” Matthew 25: 35-46
Eucharistic Visitors are lay people licensed by the Bishop to bring the sacrament of Communion directly from the gathered congregation to those who cannot be physically present.
As an Eucharistic Visitor, I can say emphatically this ministry brings me more joy and peace than I could ever have imagined. The training reawakened my own connection to my faith. I discovered during the process that even though I had been confirmed as a Catholic, I needed to be confirmed in the Episcopalian Church. Rather than a roadblock, I found my education toward my confirmation to mean so much more, decades later. I had the rare opportunity to sit with Bishop Susan and a dozen teenagers as we prepared to be confirmed! Their messages of faith really made me think. And now every visit reinforces the essence of St. Paul’s community.
The Eucharistic Visit Ministry ensures members of our congregation feel a part of St. Paul’s Cathedral even when they are not able to worship in person. As one of our congregants recently shared: “The visits connect me with the Cathedral and with Christ in a special way”. When we say the names of persons receiving visits during the liturgy, when Holy Communion is given to Visitors, we reinforce that our absent members are missed and that they belong to the Body of Christ.
What is required?
- Special training (offered through the Diocese)
- Confirmation (if not already as an Episcopalian)
- Adherence to the policies of safe volunteerism
- Typically, one’s service to our absent congregants is twice a month (you can attend either Sunday service to receive your Communion kit). We schedule quarterly and make adjustments as Eucharistic Visitors’ and congregational needs require.
We have the support of the clergy, the Vergers, and the Altar Guild in our ministry. It takes a village to support our village. The entire team is one of goodwill and collaboration and we offer support to each other and backup as needed as life happens.
To request a visit, please contact Canon Brooks Mason. Your Eucharistic Visitors are ready to support you and your loved ones, whether your journey and need is short (a few weeks) or long. When someone asks me about “giving up part of my Sunday”, I can respond sincerely: there is no sacrifice on my part. I am blessed to be part of this outreach ministry and to get to know members of the Cathedral community in a special way.
Please let us know if you would like to join our team. As my dad used to say: “Your reward is out of this world”.
To join this essential ministry, you can contact the Cathedral clergy (Canon Brooks Mason, masonb@stpaulscathedral.org).
Maureen McNulty
A few months ago I did make a request but never heard back.
I am so sorry you had this experience. If you would like a visit and are willing to reconnect, please contact the Cathedral and we will folllw up.
Terrific “Witness” to a perfect Ministry!
Thanks for taking charge of this and providing the Eucharist where it is so needed and appreciated .
Years ago I participated in this ministry. What a joy to meet and share the Eucharist with parishioners at home or in other venues