From St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry:
Climate Stewards USA invites us to consider a Carbon Fast for Lent. Each week an email which contains a fasting challenge and prayer will be sent.
An example from week one: While we prepare a spiritual discipline for the weeks ahead, we recall that we are called to love God and our neighbors as well. Those hurt the first and the worst are our most vulnerable global neighbors. We are invited to FAST FROM UNAWARENESS, focusing on an increase in knowledge of the consequences, causes, and solutions to climate change in order to prepare for action.
Prayer from Earth Ministry:
God of all, we confess our complicity in failing to be good stewards of your creation. We ask your forgiveness as we seek to live in the light, walking gently on your earth, looking for ways to replenish what we have taken away, to heal what we have damaged. Amen