From St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry:
This second week in Lent, Climate Stewards invites us to consider adding a Fast from Silence which does sound a bit counterintuitive. It’s not meant that we should put aside meditation and silent prayer. We are invited to “speak up about the climate crisis and…” share with others why we care.
Praying for all of God’s creation and sharing your thoughts about creation care are two ways to fast from silence. Contacting our local state, and federal decision makers on important legislations is another way: Learn More (Click Here)
And make sure to vote! EDSD resources (Click Here)
One of the recommended Fasts from Silence is to join a local group campaigning on climate and environmental issues. Simpler Living is our Creation Care presence at the Cathedral, and new members are really appreciated. And there are many other groups from which to choose, among which are the Interfaith Coalition for Earth Justice, San Diego 350, Climate Action Campaign, Environmental Health Coalition, and more. The point is that we are stronger as community, both in dealing with climate anxiety and grief as well as praying for, learning about, and advocating for real solutions to impact the climate crisis.