And the Lord said: I will give you a new heart, and place a new spirit
within you. taking from your bodies your stony hearts, and giving you hearts of
LOVE. I will put my spirit within you, and make you live by my ways, careful
to observe my decrees. [Ezekiel 36:26-27]
This holy season let us think about our call to:
Fast from judging others, feast on the Christ dwelling in them
Fast from emphasis on differences, feast on our oneness
Fast from the darkness around us, feast on the light of Christ
Fast from thoughts of illness, feast on the healing power of God
Fast from words that pollute, feast on words that purify
Fast from discontent, feast on gratitude
Fast from withholding anger, feast on sharing feelings
Fast from pessimism, feast on optimism
Fast from worry, feast on trust
Fast from guilt, feast on freedom
Fast from complaining, feast on appreciation
Fast from stress, feast on self-care
Fast from hostility, feast on letting go
Fast from, bitterness, feast on forgiveness
Fast from selfishness, feast on compassion for others
.Fast from discouragement, feast on hope
Fast from apathy, feast on enthusiasm
Fast from suspicion, feast on seeing the good
Fast from idle gossip, feast on spreading good news
Fast from, being so busy, feast on quiet silence
Fast from problems that overwhelm, feast on prayerful trust
Fast from talking, feast on listening
Fast from trying to be In control, feast on letting go
Lent is not about enduring some miserable discipline that we quickly forget about at Easter and go on with our lives as before. Lent is about “Springtime” within us, the new birth of Christ. We give particular attention to that part of ourselves that we want Christ to change and transform with our help. We pray that we might be created anew and be more like Christ Jesus on Easter day and each day of our lives.
Happy fasting and feasting this Lent!
-Father John McGran
Gregory the Great in the 6th Century wrote this verse:
The glory of these forty days
we celebrate with songs of praise;
For Christ by whom all thing were made,
Himself has fasted and has prayed.Alone and fasting, Moses saw
The Loving God who gave the law,
And to Elijah, fasting came,
The steeds and chariots of flame.So Daniel trained his mystic sight,
Delivered from the lion’s might;
And John, the Bridegroom’s friend,
became the Herald of Messiah’s name.Then grant that we like them be true,
Consumed in fast and prayer with You;
Our spirits strengthen with Your grace,
And give us joy to see Your face.
Not everything that is faced can be changed,
but nothing can be changed unless it is faced.
-James Baldwin
Ronn Garton