People’s Warden reports on Chapter

As the People’s Warden of St. Paul’s Cathedral, I am on the Cathedral’s Chapter (Board of Directors, if you will) which primarily oversees the finances as well as the buildings and grounds of the Cathedral. I serve on the Endowment and Finance Committees. Yet as the People’s Warden, I envision myself primarily as representing the interests of the people of our congregation and as such I will continue to keep you up to date on what the Chapter is doing.

A busy meeting with our new Chapter members and a special visit from Bishop Mathes. Where to begin?

As the Chapter finds itself in yet another period of transition, the Bishop, bless his heart, came to offer guidance, answer questions, and have discussions. We talked about the best welcome for the new Dean and concluded a committee was needed to develop the suggestions made and to implement a plan. Pat Kreder was selected to chair that committee. Meantime, our “3.5” Interim Dean, Rebecca McClain, is wrapping up her move back to Phoenix. I hope you all came to the reception in her honor after Sunday’s (February 2) service. She will be very much missed, yet all of us on Chapter as well as the Search Team are on pins and needles in excitement over the arrival of our new Dean Penelope (Penny) Bridges!

Back to the Bishop: The diocese hopes to be moving from the Cathedral to their new offices in
Ocean Beach as early as April but may not be completed before May or June. Bishop Mathes initiated a discussion about the Cathedral’s accounting issues and the plan for dealing with same. He expressed satisfaction that these issues are being addressed, with progress forthcoming soon toward their complete resolution.

Canon Chris Harris, our Stewardship pro, presented his report and stated our goals for the current campaign will be achieved. Opportunities for gifting the Cathedral is next on the agenda; a “wish” list will be developed and maintained to highlight specific Cathedral needs and these gifts will be recognized promptly. Supporting services to Cathedral donors are to be evaluated with the intent to provide them with enhanced customer focus. Chris also announced the launching of a diocesan capital campaign with a goal of raising $2,500, 000 among the many churches within the diocese. St. Paul’s hopes to raise $400,000 to support this effort and a committee has been formed to assist in implementing that goal.

Andrews Brooks, Cathedral Chancellor, discussed the duties of Chapter members as directors of the corporation of the Cathedral; said Directors are insured for actions properly conforming to their respective role. (Thank you!)

Rev. Colin Mathewson reported that the Misa congregation has grown in recent weeks and the liturgy has become richer. Clergy support for the Misa congregation is also in transition. The Rev. Mary Richardson left last year; Rev. Bjorn Marcussen stepped in to minister to that congregation and was joined by Colin last fall. Rev. Marcussen, however, will be leaving on February 23rd. For those of you who’ve never been to a Spanish service, and even if you don’t speak a word of Spanish, it is a delightful, peaceful hour, and the ladies of that congregation often put on quite a coffee hour for special occasions! Rev. Laurel Mathewson will attest to the wonderful baby shower that congregation gave her this past Sunday (February 2).

Dean’s Warden, Don Pellioni, reported that Chapter will decide on a date for its Annual Retreat once the new Dean is on board. The Diocesan Review of Cathedral Financials (2012 statement and 2013 Procedures) were discussed. Erin Saco Pineda distributed three materials: Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2012; a letter regarding the Cathedral’s 2012 (Internal) Audit Findings which discusses subjects pertaining to internal controls; and a second letter to that same body discussing the scope of the 2012 Consolidated Financial Statements. Difficult for me to put into brief words of understanding; suffice it to say that Chapter members not only completely understood these documents, they gratefully accepted and approved all three. Accolades to Erin Saco Pineda for her relentless efforts on Cathedral finances – feel very free to thank her!

Don Pellioni introduced our newest members: Elizabeth Carey, George Kuhrts, and Mark Patzman, each giving Chapter a brief background on themselves. Of course, Don neglected to mention that he, too, is technically a new member,  having filled in for a year for Cathy Lewis so she could attend to marriage preparations!

Vicki Hoppenrath and Judy Moore are retiring from St. Paul’s Senior Homes Board of Directors and it was noted the Chapter needs to elect two new Chapter members to fill these two-year vacancies. And P.S. St. Paul’s Senior Homes serves wonderful luncheons!

As I say, it was a long but fruitful meeting. And in case you couldn’t figure out Rebecca’s “3.5” designation on her new name tag: James Carroll was the first Dean, John Chane was the second, Scott Richardson was the third and Penny Bridges will be the fourth Dean. Thus Rebecca was the third-plus or “3.5 Dean”.

As always, please feel free to talk to me before or after the 10:30 p.m. service coffee hour or by email (, or even by phone with any and all thoughts or concerns.

Blessings and joy to each of you!

Judy Moore
People’s Warden

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