Vision 4 Mission: Update

As a member of the Vision 4 Mission Committee, I am having fun talking with a number of you about what the Cathedral’s ministry could look like for the next five years. Comments range from a broad scope outlook such as an assistant for Martin to very practical concerns such as having a garage sale to deal accumulated “clutter” in various storage areas. The Spirit is always very alive in our committee meetings as we work with your visions and what you value. There is a wonderful committee spirit of joy and great camaraderie. We will be formulating vision and mission statements based on your thoughts and past Cathedral surveys and meetings. And we will submit these statements to the Chapter in January for its advice and consent. Keep sharing your visions with us. Look for V4M committee members wearing special nametags. I have my notepad and pen at the ready, and am eager to record your thoughts.

The Rev. Canon Richard Lief

Vision for Mission (V4M) is a diverse committee of St
Paul’s congregants, gathered for a year-long self-study, to determine
who we are and who we want to be.  This process will help develop a
strategic plan for the Cathedral.  You can keep up with their activities
using this link: V4M


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