From St Paul’s Sacred Ground in Action: How Will You Commemorate Indigenous Peoples Day?

On Monday, October 14 Indigenous Peoples Day calls us to take some time to consider the land that we call home as land that was taken from others. To consider that this land wasn’t “discovered” by Europeans because it had been inhabited for centuries, as it continues to be home of our Indigenous siblings with us still. To acknowledge that we have a lot to do to catch up on a history that wasn’t generally taught so that we can become enlightened.  And to think about how we might act – as a church and as individuals – to redress the grievous harm done to our neighbors.
Here are some places you might go to expand your knowledge:
Barona Cultural Center and Museum, 1095 Barona Road, Lakeside – check for hours
Kumeyaay: Native Californians/Iipai-Tipai, Museum of Us, Balboa Park
Here are steps you can take to expand your heart:
Find many opportunities for solitary:

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