2024 Fall Faith Formation Classes

Christian faith formation is a lifelong journey, one which calls us to continually grow in our relationship with God, self, others, and creation. St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral aims to help you in this pursuit through our annual educational classes. All are welcome to attend.

What is a Christian? Class for Newcomers and Others

New to the Christian faith or the Episcopal Church? Looking for a refresher? Interested in discussing your faith and getting to know fellow Cathedral parishioners? This book study, led by Cathedral clergy, focuses on the basics of Christianity and the Bible and offers opportunities to share our own stories.

Dates: Wednesdays, October 2 – 30
Time/Location: 7:00 – 8:30 pm, Second Floor Conference room (in 525 Olive)
BookFaithful Questions by Scott Gunn and Melody Wilson Shobe, published by Forward Movement, 2015.
Registration(Click Here to sign up)

Sacred Ground Book Study

In observance of Indigenous People’s Day on October 14, our Sacred Ground in Action group is sponsoring a study focusing on the Doctrine of Discovery. The study will be conducted via Zoom.

Dates: Mondays, September 30 – October 28
Time/Location: 6:30 – 8 pm, Via Zoom
Book: The Land is Not Empty: Following Jesus in Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery by Sarah Augustine. (Purchase on Amazon, Click Here)
Registration: (Click Here to sign up)  

On Monday October 21 we will be joined (virtually) by Sarah Augustine, the author herself! 

Following St Paul’s Land Acknowledgment to “commit to the vital work of educating ourselves, increasing community awareness, and promoting reconciliation with our Indigenous neighbors,” with this book study we provide an opportunity to explore more about our church and national history with the first people of this sacred and unceded land. Author Sarah Augustine, a Pueblo (Tewa) descendant, is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of The Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery https://dismantlediscovery.org/about/. Our book study will be moderated by members of the Cathedral and the diocese who share a desire to follow a path towards relationship with and advocacy for our Indigenous siblings.

The Human Being Book Study

The Rev. Carol Worthing will lead this seasonal study which will be timely in view of both the general election and the approach of the Advent season.

Dates: Wednesdays, October 2 – 30
: 6:30 – 8 pm, Via Zoom
Book: The Human Being – Jesus and the Enigma of the [coming] Son of the Man by Walter Wink (Purchase on Amazon, Click Here)
Registration: Email The Rev. Dr. Carol Worthing (carol.worthing@gmail.com).

In view of emergent interest in the several traditions of ‘Son of Man’ sayings; with reflections on philosophy, psychology, and mysticism, Walter Wink, formerly Professor of Biblical Interpretation at Auburn Theological Seminary in New York City, gives us new insights into biblical texts such as Ezekiel, Daniel, the Gospels and more, in this book.  He offers up a new understanding of Jesus within Jesus’ own 1st Century context.  And, through this recovery of the “Human Being,” an Advent Archetype found in biblical and intertestamental literature, Wink provides a lens through which all readers – of any religious or theological suasion, can discover what it means to be fully human. 

Women together at St. Paul’s

Our monthly series of dinner and speaker programs for those who identify as women resumes in October, meeting on Thursdays at 5:45 pm. Here’s the lineup for the new season:

October 3 – Beverly Edge / Expressing the Feminine Through Sacred Geometry

November 7 – Dr. Pat Lindquist / Cognitive Decline: Truth and Myth About Memory Function 

December 5  – Amanda Batarseh / Palestinian History: Feminism in Palestine

February 6  – Nancy Turner /Journey Within: Exploring Spiritual Direction

March 6 – The Rev. Mary Lynn Coulson /Rebel Women in the Hebrew Bible

April 3 – Dr. Jeannie Constantinou / the Crucifixion of the King of Glory.

May 1 – Edie Littlefield Sundby /The Mission Walker

Click here for the Women Together page, complete with contact information and additional details.

Sunday Forums

The Sunday Forum takes place most Sundays at 9 am in the Guild Room. Topics range from Reparative Justice, to updates on diocesan organizations, to discussions of current events and how to act as people of faith in tumultuous times. In November we will enjoy a repeat visit from the Rev. Dr. Charlie Bell, who was our 2023 Pride preacher.

Forum will take a break on October 6, for the Blessing of the Animals, and on Thanksgiving weekend.

Watch the weekly email (click to sign up) for details of upcoming Forums. Or view the calendar page, where content is continually being updated. No registration needed for the weekly forum, just show up!


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