The Season of Creation 2024

From St Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care ministry:

St Paul’s Cathedral once again will celebrate the September Season of Creation throughout the month, featuring a Creation-themed liturgy on 9/22. We are one of many ecumenical communities across the world that will participate in activities in response to the call to care for creation. 

The Anglican Communion sponsors this annual month of prayer, education, and action for God’s good creation. Consistent with this year’s theme, To Hope and Act with Creation, we will share information about and offer action opportunities on the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, a complement to Parish Agreement on Climate Change and an initiative that strives for an international agreement to phase out fossil fuel while ensuring a just global transition for workers, communities, and countries as resources are freed up for more research and development of renewable energy. For more on the Season of Creation go to and for the proposed treaty, go to

While the Simpler Living Season of Creation schedule can be found here, two of our offerings require advance notice:

September 15 – This urban hike in Balboa Park—in that part of the park just next to the Cathedral— will be led by Phil Petrie. St. Augustine was fond of saying that opening the book of nature was another way to learn about God, and we will approach this walk in that light. Meet in the Queen’s Courtyard at noon (make sure to take advantage of coffee hour refreshments for energy!) The walk will take about an hour and a half. Bring your water bottle, sun hat, and sunscreen.  For more information:

September 22 – Bring a book, take a book! The Simpler Living Book Swap will invites us to re-gift/recycle books and declutter our bookshelves at the same time! We’ll collect your books in the yellow bin in the Queen’s Courtyard between 9/8 and 9/22. On 9/22 the Book Swap table will be open from 8:45 – noon. For more information:

Creator God, we thank you for your life-giving world that surrounds us. We honor your gift as we pray that fossil fuel industries, governments, and societies will join the call of science and the most vulnerable to move away from fossil fuels and to move fairly and safely to new forms of renewable energy with greater energy efficiency and sustainable lifestyles that are less dependent on fossil fuels. We ask all this, in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.

Adapted from A Prayer for the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty

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