Simpler Living Creation Care and Sacred Ground in Action ministries: A Kumeyaay Vision of Earth Justice

At St Paul’s Cathedral we have been on a sacred path to learn Earth wisdom and ways from and stand in solidarity with our Kumeyaay neighbors. The Interfaith Coalition for Earth Justice will offer another opportunity for us at the Advancing Earth Justice presentation on Thurs. June 27 at 7-8:30 PM at the Southeastern Live Well Center, 5101 Market Street in San Diego.
Bobby Wallace and Sarahmarie Llyemewaa Redfern of the Barona Band of Mission Indians will share their thoughts and experiences in an interview with Rev. Beth Johnson.
Parking is available in the adjacent parking structure. It will also be livestreamed.  Contact Phil Petrie at or (619) 776-1013 for more information.  Please register for this free program. here
The Kumeyaay Vision of Earth Justice: An Interview with Bobby Wallace and Sarahmarie Llyemewaa Redfern of the Barona Band of Mission Indians


After years of ignoring indigenous peoples, the U.S. environmental movement has embraced them as partners in protecting the integrity of ecosystems and as teachers in modeling a truly sustainable lifestyle.  What are some of the traditions of earth care that the Kumeyaay lived out for thousands of years here in San Diego County and how did those practices grow out of their religion?  For this FREE event sponsored by the Interfaith Coalition for Earth Justice, former ICEJ Chairperson Rev. Dr. Beth Johnson will interview several members of the Kumeyaay nation including eco-justice activists Bobby Wallace and Sarahmarie Llyemewaa Redfern.  Mr. Wallace and Ms. Redfern will also reflect on their life journeys as activists, direct us toward local eco-justice issues, and address what true justice from the U.S. might look like for the Indigenous.
Photo courtesy of Bobby Wallace

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