Rethinking Waste

From St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry:

Before St. Paul’s rolls out a congregation’s plan to more effectively deal with our own landfill, recycling, and food waste we might consider how we address our waste at home.  This week’s Lenten challenge from Climate Stewards is a Fast From Food Waste. This coming week, can we consider

  • Thinking of ways to use our cupboard contents rather than buying more food;
  • Committing to composting vegetable and food scraps
  • Increasing our locally-sourced fresh food, buy more from local shops or markets, grow some of your own food as we can.

Six percent of global greenhouse emissions come from food that is never eaten. If we treat our food as a gift from God we can contribute to a reduction in waste. In this time of Lenten reflection, let’s strive to be more intentional about our eating habits.

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