From St. Paul’s Simpler Living Creation Care Ministry
If Christ’s Sunday rising meant that death is overcome, what does that convey in a time of climate crisis? With the recent IPCC report we learned that death is even more imminent than we thought: the death of whole species, of a safe way of life for millions, of glaciers, ecosystems, and the list goes on. With Jesus can we rise in love and life-giving commitment to do all that we can to heal – often only lessen – the damage to come?
Will we become the joyous community together? Will we share solutions and advocate for even more? Will we ally with our sisters and brothers at the border and throughout frontline and communities of color: for these neighbors have experienced the worst effects of climate change more than we who have contributed far more to this crisis.
Below is a prayer shared from a recent meeting of EDSD creation care activists who are talking about ways to promote and take action on climate change. And St. Paul’s Cathedral Earth Month Events 2023 (Click Here) ofter ways to celebrate the EDSD Creation Care Month of Service and more!
An Ecological Lord’s Prayer
Our nurturing God, present in the entire cosmos,
Blessed are your names: Life and Love.
May your way of love
and your desire for life
be available to all creatures
all lands, all waters, and skies.
Provide for us all that we need for life,
through healthy soil and water,
abundant gardens, food forests,
and regenerative agriculture.
Forgive us when we exploit the earth,
over-fish the seas,
pollute the skies, and generally
overstep healthy boundaries
with our neighbours.
Move us into living
a way of peace that heals
the heart of all creation
and repairs the fabric of life.
Lead us away from greedy ways:
lives of consumerism and excess,
and deliver us from apathy and inaction.
For we want to be faithful to your vision
of a life of kinship, reconciliation, and love.
Today and each new day, amen.
– Wendy Janzen