Women Together

Join the women of St. Paul’s Cathedral for guest speakers and discussions on what it means to be a Christian woman in a diverse world. Together we seek to deepen our faith as we interact with the world and explore the challenges women everywhere face in their daily lives. We invite theologians, professors, authors, and artists to present on a wide range of topics. All women are welcome!

Women Together at St. Paul’s meets on the first Thursday of the month from October – May (except January).
The 2024 – 2025 Season:
  • October 3 – Beverly Edge
  • November 7 – Pat Lindquist
  • December 5 – Amanda Batarsen
  • February 6 – Nancy Turner
  • March 6 – Rev. Mary Lynn Coulson
  • April 3 – Dr. Jeannie Constantinou
  • May 1 – Edie Littlefield Sundby

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Upcoming event:

Beverly Edge

Expressing the Feminine Through Sacred Geometry

October 3, 2024

Sacred geometry is an art and design approach based in numbers, shapes, and ratios that practitioners believe have a connection to the natural world and to the divine. Sacred geometry may also portray the feminine in our body, psyche, and connectedness with the Earth. For example, certain numbers may represent physical aspects related to childbirth or characteristics related to our concept of mothering. Beverly Edge will explore how this approach can express the feminine in Christianity and other spiritual traditions by using her own work and the art of other cultures.

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Questions? Email: womentogetherspc@gmail.com
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Video Recordings of Past Events

May 5, 2022 – Seeing God Anew with Rev. Canon Allisyn Thomas

Rev. Canon Allisyn Thomas discusses how the rules and characteristics we have of God may hinder our having a growing, living faith. We examine how we might expand those images to embrace our living God in a fresh way.

April 7, 2022 – Seeking the Sacred and the Self Through Torah Study with Rabbi Lenore Bohm

Rabbi Bohm talks about her new book Torah Tutor: A Contemporary Torah Study Guide, in which she explores the first five books of the Bible (“the Torah”), raising up words, phrases and questions for personal reflection and conversation.

March 3, 2022 – Reality, Forgiveness and Hope in the Era of Climate Change with Erika Morgan

From a fascination with the Maine woods to a career pushing for sustainable solutions, Ms. Morgan has shaped a perspective on the unique challenges of this moment. She will describe the sobering reality of the current climate crisis, provide concrete examples of what we can do, and share reasons to look ahead with hope.

February 3, 2022 – Journeying Together Across Cultures, With Humility, Respect and Joy presented by Rev Laurel Mathewson, Ruth Japtok & Katherine Bohm

These three women from St. Luke’s share their perspectives on how we can engage faith, food, and cultural art with mutual respect and joy. They discuss how to share across lines of culture with authenticity, Christian love and care.

December 2, 2021 – Ignatian Spirituality and Mental Wellness with Dr. Maureen Day

Dr. Maureen Day’s talk explores the tools of Ignatian prayer, highlighting the value they bring to our spiritual imagination and mental well-being. It includes a 10 minute practice of the Examen prayer.

November 4, 2021 – Reading Women Writers, Reading Scripture with Dr. Bettina Tate Pedersen

Dr. Bettina Tate Pedersen’s talk addresses the ways that her reading and teaching of women writers and feminist literary theory have influenced the way she reads scripture herself and the way she listens to others interpret biblical passages.

October 7, 2021 – Laying Down the Sword in Everyday Dilemmas with Phyllis Olins

Phyllis Olins will walk through a radical, scripture-based approach to making conflict disappear. She will present the basic principles of her book, How NOT to be a Jerk (or a Victim): Transcend Your Ego in Everday Crises, through examples and practice.

May 6, 2021 – “Becoming Anti- Racist: Reflections from a White Christian on the Sin of Racism” with Dr. Emily Reimer-Barry

Dr. Emily Reimer-Barry  discusses the sin of racism from the perspective of a white Christian who needs to both “learn” and “unlearn” in the journey of becoming antiracist. She will discuss how Christianity remains complicit in racism in its construction of theology and God and some of its pastoral practices.

March 4, 2021 –“Gendered Journeys”: Women’s Experience of Migration” with Oliva Espin, PhD

Oliva EspinSpeaker Oliva M. Espin, PhD asks:

Is the experience of migration different for women and men? What is the impact of intersections of gender, race, class, ethnicity?
October 4, 2018 – Bishop Katharine Jefferts-Schiori: “Women and Leadership: MeToo > WeTogether”

Systemic sexism and harassment continue to emerge from the shadows of shame and social control.  Bishop Katharine examines ways in which women lead change, and spiritual practices that support that leadership.



You can donate to Women Together online, just click the link below.


Because of you, we can continue to serve as a center of transformative love, faith and service!

Have questions or need to make changes?
Feel free to contact us, and we will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.