Try googling “Lent”. On Wikipedia you will find that “The traditional purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer—through prayer, penance, repentance, almsgiving, and self-denial.” Most Christians would agree with this.
However, I would like to ask those of you in the St. Paul’s community to think about Lent as a time to volunteer. Perhaps you have thought about being an usher, a greeter, assisting with the youth program, visiting Dorcas House, or other efforts. Maybe you are worried about the time commitment, whether you would be volunteering for life. “How will I tell the ministry leader if I no longer wish to volunteer?”; “Would I be able to volunteer in another ministry?”; ”Will someone be angry with me if I decide this is not for me?”
We have a solution! By taking the 40 DAY CHALLENGE, you can give of your time, try out a ministry (or two, or three) and decide whether you are a good fit. Do you find joy and satisfaction? Do you feel closer to Jesus? Are your Spiritual Gifts at work? You may find a new home! Or, you may simply enjoy the experience of seeing St Paul’s from a different angle while making an important contribution to our lives together.
Our ministry leaders are enthusiastic at the prospect of their fellow worshipers sharing their talents and trying out a new ministry.
You will not be held to any commitment of time other than during the period of Lent. Following is a list of ministries that would welcome you for 40 days. Think about each one. You may have been thinking of volunteering in one of these. Now is the time. Take the 40 Day Challenge!
- Docents
- Ushers
- Acolytes
- Lectors
- Greeters
- Dorcas House
- Altar Guild
- Children and Youth
When you decide on one or more ministries to try out, or you have questions, please email me. You will also see a sign up table after the Sunday services beginning Feb. 3rd.
Join us!
Vicki Hoppenrath
Time and Talent Coordinator
619-298-7261 x349