Dean Letter: Words of our worship: Laying the table

Dear St. Paul’s family, Here’s another in our occasional series of “Words of our Worship”. This one is about Laying the Table. When we lay the table for a dinner party we are careful to include the right forks, knives, condiments, place mats and dishes. The same goes for setting the altar for the sacrament … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Annual Meeting Report

Dear St. Paul’s family, Last Sunday we celebrated our annual Cathedral Day with several special events, some planned and some surprises. It seems fitting that on a day when I preached about letting go of expectations and allowing the Holy Spirit to be messy, that we encountered noisy technical difficulties, a disruptive visitor, and a … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Music Endowment Launch

Dear St. Paul’s family, We have wonderful news to share with you. Thanks to the generosity of two current parishioners (who prefer not to be publicly acknowledged) and one deceased parishioner, Mary McBride, we are announcing the launch of the St. Paul’s Cathedral Music Endowment. This fund will be invested with our other funds through … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Budget Gap

Dear St. Paul’s family, As we approach our annual meeting and 2019 gets underway, I want to share with you one of the perennial dilemmas that the Chapter faces in our efforts to find the funding for our ministries. As you have probably heard or read, we are celebrating a successful pledge campaign, having reached … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Sesquicentennial Update

Dear St. Paul’s Family, As you know, on December 18, 2019 this congregation will complete 150 years of ministry in San Diego. Our sesquicentennial year started last month on Dec 16th with a sumptuous reception in the Great Hall entitled “A Victorian San Diego 1869 Christmas”, following a special organ concert and Evensong. The event attracted … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Maya and Our Youth Program

Dear St. Paul’s Family, From the Dean: One of our beloved staff members here is Maya Little-Saña. Maya first came to the cathedral when she was in high school and quickly blossomed into a theologian with wisdom beyond her years. Now in her second year at college, Maya serves as our extremely part-time (10 hours … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: New things for a new year

Dear St. Paul’s family,   We stand on the brink of a new year, and there are some wonderful new things starting to bubble up in our corporate life. I see two main categories of new initiatives: small-group based ministries and the digital mission field. In the small group area, here’s what’s happening:   A … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Peace and Justice

Dear St. Paul’s family, When I go shopping for Christmas cards, I notice that a lot of beautiful cards carry the message “Peace on Earth”. This speaks to the core of our faith. The angels sang of peace on earth when they brought the good news to the shepherds, and we acclaim Jesus as Prince … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: The Advent Season

Dear St. Paul’s family, Last Sunday we began a new liturgical year. If you’ve been attending an Episcopal or Roman Catholic church for a few years you’ll be familiar with the annual cycle that starts four Sundays before Christmas. The Advent (from the Latin for “arrival” or “coming”) season gives us an opportunity to prepare … READ MORE…

Dean Letter: Sub-Organist and Assistant Choirmaster

Dear St. Paul’s family, As we begin the beautiful season of Advent, it’s especially timely to hear about the ministry of our sub-organist and assistant choirmaster, Gabriel Arregui. Gabriel first discovered St. Paul’s some 40 years ago and it has been his spiritual home ever since, regardless of where his musical vocation has taken him. … READ MORE…