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Liturgy for Contemporary Service in the Courtyard

May 23, 2024, 6 pm
Located in our Queen’s Courtyard.  Entrance on 2700 block of Fifth Avenue 92103 (5th Ave. Side) 

Thank you for joining us this evening for this outdoor worship service. Please follow along in this simple liturgy. Services take place on the second and fourth Thursday of the month, except for January, February, July, and December.

Regular text will be said by the leader, text in bold can be said in unison. Please participate as you feel led, or feel free to rest in quiet contemplation.

We are glad you are here.


Music selected by the worship leader


The worship leader or a clergy person welcomes all to the gathering.


We begin with a few moments of silence, to center ourselves and enter into God’s presence.

Leader: God’s Spirit is here.
All: We are gathered as God’s people.

Leader: Let us pray together.

All: As the darkness of evening closes in,
Blessed One, you are our Light,
Keep this community in peace and safety.
through the hours of the night to come.
As lamps fill our homes with brightness
send also the illumination of your Holy Spirit
to enlighten and cheer our hearts.
Grant us tranquil evening hours,
sleep in good conscience,
and a peaceful waking, renewed by your love,
through Christ, our Defender and Daystar. Amen.

Adapted from Simple Prayers for Complicated Lives, by Jennifer Phillips; New York: Church Publishing, 2006

The leader now lights the candles at the Altar as we meditate in silence.

Leader: The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.      John 1:5.   

Song of Praise

Praise the Spirit in Creation, breath of God, life’s origin;
Spirit, moving on the waters, quickening worlds to life within;
Source of breath, to all things breathing, life in whom all lives begin.

Praise the Spirit, close companion of our inmost thoughts and ways;
Who in showing us God’s wonders, is herself the power to gaze;
And God’s will, to those who listen, by a still small voice conveys.

Praise, O praise the Holy Spirit, praise the Father, praise the Word;
Source and Truth and Inspiration, Trinity in deep accord;
Through your voice which speaks within us, we, your creatures, call you Lord.

The Hymnal 1982 

The Psalms

We read the Psalm responsively, one verse read by the leader, the next (in bold) by the congregation.

The Spirit of Life reigns with mercy,
Let the earth rejoice! Let the heavens be glad!

Justice preserves creation, allowing it to blossom and thrive;
Hidden within creation, You are the Heart of everything.

Fire goes before you, burning away the chaff and the tares.
Your Light enlightens the world; there is none to compare with You.

All of creation is clothed with your majesty,
mirroring Your Spirit throughout the cosmos.

The heavens proclaim your righteousness,
and the people behold your glory.

Those who walk in darkness dwell in a place of fear,
zealously following their desire for power;
they live in the shadows of reality.

Heaven delights and rejoices when a hardened heart breaks open
and recognizes the Spirit’s ever-patient presence abiding within.

For you, O Holy Spirit, are most high over all the earth;
You overlook our wrongdoings and welcome us home.

You, O Spirit, are known through those who are true to the Promise,
You are the light of the saints, you hide yourself in every soul.

Light dawns for the just,
and joy for the upright of heart.

Rejoice in the Most High, O people of the Spirit,
and give thanks to the Radiant One, the Bestower of Life.

Glory to the Creator, the Word, and the Holy Spirit;
As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.

Psalm 97, adapted from Psalms for Praying, by Nan C Merrill 

The Lesson

A Reading from the writings of Hildegard of Bingen

On The Holy Spirit as Wisdom

She is Divine Wisdom. She watches over all people and all things in heaven and on earth, being of such radiance and brightness that, for the measureless splendor that shines in Her, you cannot gaze on Her face or on the garments She wears. For She is awesome in terror as the Thunderer’s lightening, and gentle in goodness as the sunshine. Hence, in Her terror and Her gentleness, She is incomprehensible to mortals, because of the dread radiance of divinity in Her face and the brightness that dwells in Her as the robe of Her beauty. She is like the Sun, which none can contemplate in its blazing face or in the glorious garment of its rays. For She is with all and in all, and of beauty so great in Her mystery that no one could know how sweetly She bears with people, and with what unfathomable mercy She spares them.

Reader: Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Church.

All:      Thanks be to God. 

The Reflection

A personal meditation on experiencing the Spirit.


Music selected by the worship leader or author of the reflection. 


Prayer leader: God be with you.

All: And also with you.

Leader Holy God, we come before you in peace. Spirit of God,
All:    Hear our prayers.

Leader We pray for all people in their daily life and work. Spirit of God,
All:    Hear our prayers.

Leader We pray for this city, this nation, and the world. Spirit of God,
All:    Hear our prayers.

Leader We pray for the just and proper use of your creation. Spirit of God,
All:    Hear our prayers.

Leader We pray for all those in danger, sorrow, or any kind of trouble. Spirit of God,
All:    Hear our prayers.

Leader We pray for peace in the world and in our hearts. Spirit of God,
All:    Hear our prayers.

Leader We pray for those people and situations close to our hearts, expressed silently or aloud, especially … [silence]…  Spirit of God,
All:    Hear our prayers.

Leader We pray all these things in your holy name.

All        AMEN.   

Creative Response

A participant offers a poem, piece of art, dance etc that they have chosen to reflect God’s surprising Spirit or some other aspect of the service.  

The Blessing and Dismissal

Leader: May the Spirit of God lead us into all truth, giving us grace to proclaim the wonderful works of God, that we may know the blessing of God, Creator, Word, and Holy Spirit.

All: Amen. 

Leader: Let us go forth rejoicing in the surprising power of the Spirit.

All:      Thanks be to God.      


Music selected by the worship leader  

Worship Leaders

Officiant – Wanda Porrata
Lector – Ellen Hargus
Reflection – Susan Jester
Create Response – Jen Jow
Music– Frank Borik

Thank you for worshiping with us tonight.

Would you like to participate in a future service? We practice community-led worship. Whether you would like to read something, contribute a spoken piece or musical offering, or help with organization- you are welcome! Please email


Because of you, we can continue to serve as a center of transformative love, faith and service!

Have questions or need to make changes?
Feel free to contact us, and we will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.