As a church, we are called to minister to and nurture the spiritual emotional needs of our children, youth, and their families. Through our weekly formation groups, at-home resources, age-inclusive worship, and a wide variety of events, we hope to empower them to receive and respond to the liberating and life-giving love of Christ; in themselves, their communities, and the world.
Spring/Summer 2023: A Time of Transition
Our Family Minister Maya Little-Saña’s last day is Sunday, April 30. As we enter this period of transition, please take note of our amended schedule of offerings and Summer events. Keep an eye out for updates in our weekly e-bulletin (click here to subscribe) or contact Chapter Member Lucero Cuarezma-Samano at lucerosamano@gmail.com

Pentecost Play day at bahia point

June 3, 2023 – 2-7pm – – Bahia Point – Grades 6-12 – Come and enjoy an afternoon of fun with young people from all around our diocese. There will be the opportunity to sail, swim, play games, and relax with friends. Please let Mykel Resino if your child plans to attend by Tuesday, May 30 by emailing mykelresino@yahoo.com
All youth must bring a completed waiver. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE REQUIRED WAIVER.
two vacation bible school offerings at st. james by-the-sea

Love is… Godly Play VBS will be held June 26-30 from 9:00 am-12:00 pm for ages 2.5 years to rising Kindergarten campers. Max: 12 campers |
Love is… VBS will be held July 17-20 from 9:00 am-3:00 pm for rising 1st-6th grade campers. Campers must have completed Kindergarten to register for this VBS.
Max: 36-40 campers (depending on volunteers/leaders)
Tuition is $85 for first camper, $75 for each additional camper and a cap of $175 per family.
Upcoming Family Focused Services:
Ash Wednesday Family Service

Wednesday, March 5
5 pm – C.S. Lewis stated, “The perfect church service would be one we were almost unaware of. Our attention would have been on God.” If you are looking for a short, transformative, family friendly service join us at 5pm on Wednesday, March 5th in the Great Hall for the Ash Wednesday Family Service!”. (View Service Bulletin)
Interested in our other Lent/Holy Week services? (Click Here For Details)
Sunday School is in the works
Sunday School at St. Paul’s will be called SPY Club and implements the progressive, miniREVOLUTIONS curriculum from Illustrated Ministry. The curriculum is based on the Revised Common Lectionary and follows the rhythms and experiences of the church year through the revolutions of the liturgical calendar. Embracing this cyclical way of moving through the liturgical seasons promotes sacredness and rhythm and allows children to enter SPY Club at any point and not feel behind or as if they have missed out.
Each week trained SPY Club guides will lead the children through a reading from Scripture and provide discussion questions, a hands-on activity, a micropractice, and a prayer. All components are built on the Scripture reading for the week. The discussion questions invite children to imagine and wonder, helping them to connect more deeply with the Scripture. A fun mix of activities helps children to think creatively about Scripture through building, earth care, social justice, science, art, and compassion. The micropractice offers children a simple ritual anchored in daily activities to help them form healthy, spiritual, and mindful habits. The prayer closes out the time together creating a sense of community and preparation as the children go out into the world.
Each SPY Club guide is an adult over the age of 21, trained in SAFE CHURCH practices and in the implementation of the miniREVOLUTIONS curriculum.
SPY Club is open to children in grades K-7th.